General and specific
The aim of the project is to promote employment for long term unemployed VET students, through an effective use of social media , ICT and through the training of 6 VET students in each participant country that will be called “digital coaches”
- Make confident VET students, teachers and trainers on how to use social media and ICT, concerning the effective use of them for accessing the labor market
- To enlarge the effective learning community to facilitate collaboration among VET schools, VET institutions, policy makers and enterprises to facilitate the matching between offer of labor and demand through the use of social media and ICT.
- To use “Coaching” like a non formal methodology of shared learning where coaches will offer support, advice and information related on social media and ICT for promoting employment
- To integrate formal, non-formal and informal education, working as digital coaches, the VET students will learn in an non-formal way and they will coach the other VET students experimenting informal approach.