Cultural heritage and IT provide a variety of ways to impart knowledge through creative, interactive and interesting activities. The project partners have identify 5 main needs:-To grow transversal intercultural and key competences essential for life and learning such as digital competences, critical thinking, teamwork and critical thinking, flexibility, creativity, innovation, resilience.. .. using cultural heritage and IT-To find new resources for motivating and encouraging students to pursue learning in cultural heritage-related fields promoting inclusion and bringing girls in to this fields thus promoting gender equality in schools-To Support teachers with effective, structured and curriculum-relevant teaching solutions for cultural heritage and IT-Better comprehension and knowledge of the most innovative and technical solutions available to be used for developing educational contents for motivating students and promoting personal fulfillment and development, social ininclusion, active citizenship-To create a solid framework to internazionalize their activities and share good practices on Cultural heritage and IT

To answer the 5 main needs the ‘Follow me’ project intends to create a synergic effort among Euroepan Schools to explore how a correct and effective use of cultural heritage and IT can ensure the students inclusion. The aim of ‘Follow me” project is is to enable students to understand cultural heritage using IT, encouraging them to develop transversal, intercultural and key competences such as critical thinking, teamwork and critical thinking, creativity, innovation, resilience… Using cultural heritage concepts in the school, students will grow their ideas, promoting equality,personal fulfilment and development,social inclusion, active citizenship and employment in the digital era

The SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES of the Project will be:

-To grow students’ transversal , intercultural and key competences such as as critical thinking, teamwork and critical thinking, creativity, innovation, resilience…. using cultural heritage and IT

-To encourage equally both male and female students to pursue education and careers in cultural heritage and ITrelated fields, inspire them to become innovators, and enhance basic skills

-To support teaching with effective, structured and curriculum-relevant teaching solutions for cultural heritage and IT to motivate students and promote personal fulfilment and development, social inclusion, active citizenship

-To internationalize the activities of the participat schools and to have the opportunity of sharing good practices on Cultual heritage and IT

Studenti ciceroni del Biellese Unesco

Eco di Biella - 25 marzo 2019